Love you Babe! Thanks for marrying me.
Friday, December 30, 2011
Happy 10th
Our 10th anniversary was today. To commemorate the happy day I pulled up the old "Happily Ever After" video I made a few years ago and replaced a few pics but I had issues posting it so here's the link to the old video:
Sunday, November 27, 2011
So, I fell really behind on my posts. My brother came down last week and we were too busy having fun and enjoying our blessings to have time to post any. So instead of doing posts for everyday here's some of the things I remember.
Last week Mom was grateful for:
Children who get along: Sure there's silly spats, tears and drama but there are those moments that are just blissful when they read together, play together, snuggle, and act like the best of friends. I sigh contentedly and grab a camera before the moment ends so I can remember why I do this mother thing.
Good Emma: I wish I could describe more eloquently why I so much appreciate this little angel but she is just good. She tries hard to always do what's right and be a peacemaker. She helps, she is kind and thoughtful, she reads her scriptures and prays and does her homework and gives all the right answers. She is sugar and spice and everything nice. Everyone should get an Emma.
My Sweetheart: I don't care that he's a schoolboy now I still snuggle him, gaze into those puppy dog eyes and grin at his way of talking. And you know what, he likes it and loves his mommy. And if anyone wants to tease him for it they can take it up with me. He's a momma's boy and I don't care who knows it.
A Husband who makes me Laugh: I'm glad we can laugh at each other and ourselves, makes life a lot happier.
P.S. I didn't forget Andrew he had his own day last week
Texas Family: Half of the kids' cousins live just three hours away so we've seen them 4 times in the last six months and you know what, they haven't gotten tired of each other. We were especially blessed this last week because we also had my cousin ("supermom extraordinaire") come in from Houston with her cute family, driving a total of six hours in one day just to spend Thanksgiving with us. It was so good to see them.
Book of Mormon
iPhone: (and "a thoughtful wife" he adds). He was surprised because I've never in our ten years of marriage bought him something fun and expensive, ever. It took everything in me not to wimp out and buy him a razor (which he probably really should have got instead). I'm painfully practical but for once I am the cool wife. Happy Birthday Babe!
Sunday, November 20, 2011
The Glass is Half Full
Today we are grateful for:
Dad: Comfortable, breezy evening- We read our scriptures on the back porch tonight because it felt nicer outside than in. It was lovely.
Mom: Yellow leaves- Our street is green not much color variance as you look up and down the street except the three bright yellow sparks from our backyard. We have three trees that are glowing right now. I smile every time I see them.
Emma: Books- When Jamie told me The Hobbit would be made into a movie I told him he should read it to Emma since I have Emma read the books before seeing the movies (although I worry this one won't be appropriate for her). He rather liked the idea and diligently stole into Emma's room each night for some daddy-daughter storytime. They've since finished and enjoyed it. I then slyly suggested they start on Harry Potter. He grimaced and made Emma promise she would at least pretend she likes The Hobbit better. But he's reading it. That's love and I love him for it. But maybe you shouldn't tell him I told everyone he's reading Harry Potter.
Weston: The Backyard- Now that it's cooled off, the kids are finally getting use out of the yard, riding bikes on the patio and playing sports. Weston's taken to soccer.
Andrew: Blues Clues- I think he's seen the show maybe 4 times ever but I think he likes how it sounds when he says it. I think I kinda like how it sounds when he says it, cutie pie.
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Daily thanks
Today we are grateful for:
(I really did try to post this yesterday but my computer disagreed)
Dad: Jerry Tarkanian- Be true to your school
Mom: Date Night- The kids were at the "wilky, wilkinson center, the hottest spot you'll ever you'll ever enter..." (John Bytheway anyone) and Jamie and I went out to eat, alone. I ran into a friend at the restaurant who was lugging a baby carrier and an unhappy looking toddler while her two others ran off to the bathroom and she sighed jealously as I told her we were on a date. I think we found our next date night exchange victims. Thanks for taking the kids Wilkinsons, we all loved it!
Emma: Kaiya- Kaiya's a Wilkinson and a great match for Emma.
Weston: Earplug- I dunno
Andrew: Sleeping with the fan and Curious George- Curious George is the stuffed monkey Shayla gave him to match his cousins. Andrew loves that guy (the monkey and the cousin).
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Goodness Gracious
Today we are grateful for:
Dad: Spotify
Mom: MAISY- My niece was born today!!! Isn't she beautiful?
Emma: Holidays
Weston- We were playing catch-up and Weston was done at 2
Andrew: Oatmeal
Show Gratitude
Today we are grateful for:
Mom: Good doctors
Emma: Stars
Weston: Thanksgiving
Andrew: Silly dancers- I'm bummed, I had a great video to go with this but YouTube or Picasa doesn't like me right now.
Today we are grateful for:
Dad: Isaiah- "I don't understand it, but I like how it sounds"
Mom: Mexican food
Emma: Family
Weston: Night
Andrew: Forks
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
For all things bright and beautiful
Today we are grateful for:
Dad: My Boss
Mom: Good weather- sat out in the hammock with a good book and watched the kids play soccer and admired our yellow leaves. sigh
Emma: Easy things- She breezes through reading and writing assignments but when she gets to the math the tears and fits start. Her math teacher loves problem-solving worksheets, Emma doesn't, she likes to just know things not work at them.
Weston: The Earth
Andrew: Cookies
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Today we are grateful for:
Dad: Ancestors
Mom: Scriptures
Emma: Animals- She loves animals and treats them all so kindly. She even got upset once when she saw a snake that got squished on the road, "he was probably just crossing the street to get to his family."
Weston: Jammies- He came down the other night in these pjs. I told him I thought the pants were too short and his ankles might get cold. So he solved the problem.
Andrew: Chores- Every Saturday I make chore lists for the kids. On Andrew's list I write a word and draw a picture for each chore. During the week if I ask him to pick something up he tells me he needs a chore list and I have to go get some paper and draw everything I want him to do. And he insists that I add his usuals, "draw a couch and pillows [put the pillows back on the couch] and a potty [go potty]...."
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Today we are grateful for:
Dad: Stake Presidents- Wanna guess what we've got going on this weekend.
Mom: My kids have good friends- Our ward has good families with plenty of little kids to be friends with. Emma is good friends with a sweet girl from school who comes from a very nice family. And Andrew is in a Friday playgroup with kids from the other ward, widening his circle of friends (since the 3 Sunbeam classes in our ward wasn't enough).
Emma: Healthy food that I like- She tries to be good about her food choices and thankfully really does like a lot of healthy foods
Weston: Green Beans- My kids love canned green beans. Andrew asks to have them for lunch and when Weston got tired of the soup tonight he was excited when I said I had green beans left. Maybe it's just that I grew up with a major green bean hater (have you grown out of that Rich?) but this green bean lovin is weird to me but I try not to show it because it's a desirable quirk.
Andrew: Soup- My kids are on a role tonight, I told you I love having good eaters. We had black bean soup tonight and everyone asked for seconds (because Jamie wasn't here, he's not a big soup fan, pity, I like soups- easy, cheap, healthy, warm and delicious and an excuse to have bread). I think my kids like the excuse to eat chips and cheese.
Today we are grateful for:
Dad: Volkswagon- I asked him after he drove home two hours from San Antonio so I guess it was fresh on the brain (or the rump).
Mom: Contacts- I can't imagine trying to survive in a time before glasses were invented and am glad to live in a time with contacts.
Emma: The Wilkinsons- When we were new in the ward Rachelle (the mom) invited us to dinner. I couldn't imagine why someone with seven kids would want five more people to feed but I'm glad they did. The food was good and the kids love playing together. The boys love the four-year-old quints and Emma connected with their 8-yr-old daughter. We had the kids over here last night and the ten kid party was easier than our two kid playdates.

Weston: Nim's Island- Weston whined when I let the Wilkinsons pick the movie and he didn't get to watch his pick (Cars) but I guess he ended up liking it.
Andrew: Jesus- He gave a big cheesy smile when he gave this answer because he knew he had found a winning answer (he is the boy version of Emma in so many ways).
Friday, November 11, 2011
Today we are grateful for:
Mom: Good eaters- I made pasta with basil, mushrooms and chunky tomatoes and served it with some broiled zucchini and my kids devoured it all. Seriously, Emma had like five servings. I wouldn't have touched any of that stuff as a kid or at least would have complained as I choked it down (sorry mom, you're a saint!). Love that my kids eat! We have a few picky moments but I cook what I want and people eat it. I have many friends whose kids have food allergies and have to cut out gluten and dairy and some kids come to my house and I don't even feed them because they have so many different allergies I'm afraid I'll kill them. I'm so grateful my shopping and cooking isn't restricted, getting meals on the table can be hard enough.
Emma: Love- it's all you need
Weston: Recess- "because you can play" (this is why he said he liked school earlier)
Andrew: Weston
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Today we are grateful for:
Dad: A wife that can cook- When we were first married I tried making my mom's famous potato soup to impress my new husband. The recipe was written assuming the "cook" actually knew something about cooking. So I followed it and tossed the butter and flour right into the soup after the potatoes had boiled. You couldn't tell the potatoes from the flour chunks and my dear husband smiled, said it was like dumplings and ate it. I've learned a few things since then that have probably saved both our marriage and our lives.
Mom: My little companion- Andrew and I have lots of bonding time with Emma and Weston off at school all day. He is a good little companion. When we run errands people tell me all the time how well-behaved he is. A friend stole him for a playdate today and the mom suggested I use the chance to go shopping alone. Actually, I enjoy outings with Andrew. I used the time to eat and work on the computer because those are things I feel guilty doing while he's home pleading at my knee for me to read him a book or fix his block tower. I adore my little buddy and I'm glad to have his company. He's a sweet boy and wonderful entertainment.
Emma: Grandma and Grandpa- I try not to talk with Emma about our upcoming (Dec) trip to Vegas because I know she'll stop sleeping at night, her mind racing with excitement.
Weston: School- yup, things are going much better for my boy
Andrew: Chips- He ate a fish taco, enough black beans to get me off his back and then he slid the tortilla chips in front of his plate and went to town. It's always dangerous to have dinners that go with chips because we have the hardest time convincing Andrew that the chips are the side not the main dish.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Today we are grateful for:
Dad: Dentists- They give him work and fix our mouths
Mom: Laurels- I'm the Laurel Advisor in our ward and love working with these girls.
Emma: Kisses
Weston: Our House
Andrew: Hugs
Monday, November 7, 2011
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Thank You Very Much
Just because I hate to do a post without a picture. But these boys look grateful.
I counted my grateful posts and apparently I'm still missing one. We said something everyday but I fell too far behind I guess (six days into this, that's not a good start). So here ya go...
Today we are grateful for:
Dad: People who give prayers- Jamie has a calling calling. He has to call people up all the time for appointments and prayers and is amazed how hard it is to get a hold of people. So for those who answer and say yes, thank you.
Mom: Bread- I seriously love carbs of all shapes and sizes. I'm a pasta and bread gal. I finally got the Best Bites breadsticks recipe down and can't get enough. It's a good thing they take some time to make so I don't gain 20 pounds making them every day. Yum!
Emma: Prophets- Yes my little top student has to come up with the top answer. But for sure, we thank thee for a prophet.
Weston- Recycling- Emma's tactic is to pick the most important things where I think Weston's is to pick the first thing he sees when I ask him. His prayers are always about pillows and blankets and such.
Andrew- Ants "see that cute cute little ant"
Give Thanks
I think I finally found the visual I've been looking for for our daily thanks activity. I tried a paper chain and leaves on the wall but I'm liking this year's version.
I pulled out a Mason jar, filled it with acorns we've collected on our walks, gathered some branches from the yard, and prettied it up with stuff I had.
Then I found some foam leaves with sticky backs. Conveniently enough there are five colors so each family member has a color. We write down what we're grateful for that day and stick it on our tree. Low maintenance, cheap, easy, and good decoration. I think this one may stick. And I like the analogy I can use to talk about how empty and sad our tree looked before we started thinking of our blessings. Our tree may 'runneth over."
Our "leaves" today:
Dad: Primary workers- "It's tough and important"
Mom: Primary president- I swear I wrote mine before Jamie told me his. Our primary president was released today. Now there's a woman who magnified her calling. She really had things organized and served with so much love and watchcare. Even though we've been in the ward a relatively short time I got a little teary when they announced it. The new president is a friend I visit teach. Her husband's in the YM presidency and her baby has a serious heart condition so I know this was no easy call to extend but doubtlessly inspired and she will be amazing.
Emma: Rascal- She still talks about my mom's dog all the time and will try to act as happy to see the humans as the dog when we go home for Christmas. Please mom, keep Rascal alive until she can cope.
Weston: Leaves
Andrew: "Ghosteses"- Hopefully Halloween will be out of his mind soon.
In All Things Give Thanks
11/5- Today we are grateful for:
Dad: Temples- Jamie went with the youth from our ward on a temple trip. He rode with one of the dad's and a bunch of 12-yr-old girls. Now he knows the Beehives better than his YW leader wife.
Mom: Good students- Just had parent-teacher conferences this week. Weston's teacher, although she said he was still "devious" on the playground, said he was very smart, is the top reader and getting happy faces. Emma's teacher said she wishes she had a classroom full of Emmas and that Emma is the top reader and very bright. It's such a blessing to have my kids do well and be independent learners. Whenever Emma has a hard time with her math homework it gets ugly when I try to help (and uglier if I don't) so to preserve our relationship I'm glad they get things easily and do most their homework on their own (that's the sensitive teacher side of me coming out). By the way, where do you think Emma gets her love of reading and writing and disdain for math?
Emma: Mommy
Weston: Lights
Andrew: Spiders "Because they're really scawy and they eat people"
Halloween do-over
My Halloween pics aren't showing up on their post so here they are. They're in the same order if you want to match them to the text in the post, although it should be pretty obvious
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