Last week was Spring Break here. We slept in, played together at home, went to the Big Bounce and had a Star Wars family party for Weston's birthday, checked out an awesome new park and planned a fun visit to see cousins in Dallas. Thursday we were supposed to head out when I found what looked like lice in Emma's hair. After holding back from a freak out session and taking her to my nurse friend's home to make sure I wasn't just being paranoid we bought the kit did the treatment and spent the rest of the day washing everything in the house and combing through her hair every couple hours to make sure we were thouroughly clean. Amazingly, no one else got them but it was decided that we could not go sleep on my brother's beds and risk contaminating their children. It was a sad day. The next day we needed to get out for some adventuring. I had read about letterboxing so we decided to go try it out at Brushy Creek a pretty little trail just 5 minutes from us.

Bluebonnets are in bloom.

The post I had read about letterboxing had a link to a site with places to find the hidden boxes and directions how to locate them, like a scavenger hunt. We got to use the compass on Jamie's iPhone and found the two tupperwares containing the stamp and visitor's notes/logs. The kids came up with our own alias, "horse heroes" to leave behind.

I love to share nature with my kids. They loved feeling the waterfall and moss, finding little friends on the path (Andrew- "I like him"), discovering faces on trees, and blowing "daddy shake mountains" (the name Emma gave dandelions when hiking as a toddler, it stuck). There was this duck at the lake that looked like a mix between a turkey and a duck and was huge too. I said it was ugly. Emma apologized to the duck for me and told him everyone knew he was beautiful. It was a sweet lie.