Jamie drove up to Dallas early Thursday and we packed up the van, left Jamie's car with Jesse and made the two day drive up to Vegas to make it on time to drive up to St. George Saturday to see my sister go through the temple. Then we came back to the Steed's to hang out with these cuties who came from Provo for the weekend to hang with us.

My kids fell in love with Angry Birds at Jesse's house and stole every smart phone they could get their hands on. Sorry to anyone who was victimized. They did get out and go swimming at Brian's house too and Mama Steed took us to dinner at cafe Rio and dessert at Nielsons and made us lasagna for Sunday dinner. Unfortunately all the Steed Ninja Destruction pictures are on the iPhone (a blackhole for pictures I've discovered).
My kids fell in love with Angry Birds at Jesse's house and stole every smart phone they could get their hands on. Sorry to anyone who was victimized. They did get out and go swimming at Brian's house too and Mama Steed took us to dinner at cafe Rio and dessert at Nielsons and made us lasagna for Sunday dinner. Unfortunately all the Steed Ninja Destruction pictures are on the iPhone (a blackhole for pictures I've discovered).
Tuesday we headed over to the Cannon's for the bride and babies shower. We've had two new babies in the family since the last time we met (the newest hiding behind Emma in Maria's arms). We are imitating the Royal hats that got some attention. We sent the guys off with the kids to McDonalds to buy us some girl time but they had enough before we had. Great dinner and gabbing though, thanks mama.
Headed over to Rich's one evening to play with his toys. Andrew was super excited until he got a bad burn on his arm from touching the engine. Apparently he found the no sign over the hand an invitation to touch.
My disgusting picture made your blog. Score! I love your posts, and I love you guys! It was so much fun playing with you guys. Come again soon! :)