I had a stack of quotes in my basket that I wrote down and never did anything with pretty much since we moved here so here's to cleaning house. Bear in mind some of these are from a year or two ago (like the section of Weston's behavior quotes from a rough kindergarten year):
Andrew- "Let's listen to There Might Be Monsters." (They Might Be Giants: "Here Come the ABCs")
One day Andrew was trying to convince us that we should replace mom with a clown. Thanks buddy.
Andrew- "Mom you have just a heart in your soul."
Andrew (in sweet high voice) "Come here yucky spider, I'm gonna kill you."
Emma (at Sonic playplace in New Mexico) "Why's it say 'Free wife'" (free wifi)
Weston- "This is one way to fight: you make a short little run and make a super hero look real quick."
Andrew- "I'm gonna take a picture of you, you're weird."
Andrew- "Mom, did you hear a ribbit sound in my tummy?"
Andrew- "I'm not allergic to fur, I'm allergic to Phineas."
Emma- "I despise myself for eating donuts." (women dieting guilt apparently starts young)
Weston (talking to Andrew)- "You want to see something freakin awesome? Do you know what freakin awesome means? It means really cool."
Andrew (bringing us one of his special breakfasts in bed)- "I saw the sparkly square (croutons) and I said 'ooo', then I saw the banana and I thought 'yum, banana' then I saw the goldfish and I said 'ooo goldfish, I love goldfish.' Then I saw the water and I thought everyone drinks water'"
Andrew- "My snake eats what I don't like. He eats owies and he eats chores and he eats Sundays."
Weston (looking at the new elder's missionary tag) "Maddux is in my class." Pause and wait for elders response. "Aren't you related to him, his last name is Rodriguez too?"
Weston (making pancakes) "Emma do you know how to make them? Do you have some destructions." (Boys, everything's destruction)
Mom- "Emma, how can I help you get up earlier?
Emma- I don't know, dad just has the force, I don't know why."
Mom (as Emma came out of time out) "How do you feel?"
Emma- "Like serving."
Weston- (his favorite Transformer)- "Octamus"
Andrew- "Get that loud out of my ear."
Emma (trying to find clues to figure out who was bringing our treats for Friendship week)- "Hmm, bread, old ladies like to make bread."
Emma talking about her Christmas list:
Mom- "Is that what Christmas is about?"
Emma- "No, but it's the part that makes it exciting."
Weston (when bus driver asked why he was unhappy)- "I'm having behavioral issues."
Weston- "I didn't get any of these faces [shows straight face with tongue sticking out like the one on the behavior chart].
Weston (when asked him what his secret was to getting several happy faces in a row on his behavior chart) "When I try to be good, I have good days."
Mom- (pointing at Steed family picture of me pregnant)-"And behind Emma, in my stomach is Weston."
Weston "And behind me in her stomach is Andrew."
Weston (throwing a paper airplane he built)-"That's quality flying."
(watching conference) Uchtdorf "pilot-training"
Emma (giggling) "potty-training" (yeah, that was Emma, not the boys.)
Andrew- "Mom, you're acceptable"
Andrew's buddy Hunter- "why do you have that picture of Jesus on the wall?"
Andrew- "Because this is a righteous house."
Andrew's excuse for everything he did when he was 4- "Because I did it on purpose."
Weston (when he was in Kindergarten)- "Andrew just said alliteration, they were all 'mmm' sounds."
Andrew (pointing to Shredded Wheat) "Fred wheat please."
Andrew (referring to the Newman's Own salsa where Newman has a big mustache) "Can I have some whisker sauce?"
Weston- "Coach Gary's gonna be in some kind of mood at me."
Weston- "Pizza is half my life."
Emma (taking down the Christmas tree)- "I feel like the Grinch."
Emma-"I know, right?" (the official line for the third grade girls- heard this almost daily Sept- Jan)
Emma talked about how embarrassing it was to hold hands with boys for a dance they did and how she had to wipe their germs off after.
Weston- " I like to be surrounded by girls."
Weston- "I don't know if you were arguing or not but you were having some kind of rude conversion."
Andrew calls tomatoes "tornadoes."
Andrew (talking about his English muffin) "That is a cute cookie"
Weston- "I know how they get shampoo, they take sham and poo and mix them together."
Weston- "How come birds always fly away from people because I don't want to hurt them I just want to know what they feel like."
Mom- "What did your teacher teach you in Primary."
Andrew- "Sit down."
Mom- "Oh man, this dough s not looking good."
Emma- "Well maybe it'll turn out to be the best pizza ever. Because sometimes when we think we're doing things the wrong way, it's just different and it turns out even better."
Andrew (asking for seconds on spaghetti)- "I want a chance of meatballs."
Andrew (anytime he tells me something he wants to do I don't like)- "I'm gonna ___ and you will be happy [smile]."
Brooke enters the room where Julie and Emma are supposed to be sleeping and Emma says "Oh, I thought you were one of our moms."
Brooke- "Is that a bad thing?"
Emma- "Yeah, they only come in at night to say bad things."
Weston (when I asked them why he called Brighton and Seth his second cousins)- "I saw them a second after my first cousins."
Andrew (during a prayer)- "Thank you to grandma for making me a Steed."
Andrew was helping with the chores and "sweeping evil dustees" off the kitchen floor. I also got him excited about mopping because it's an electric steam mop which is perfect for "Electric Man."
Andrew- "If you like blue it will give you milk. That will make you strong. But red will give you drugs. Green gives you soda and you will like that..."
Mom (helping Andrew with his prayers)- "and help me be a good boy."
Andrew- "help me be....a boy."
Your kids are so stinking funny! I can't wait to see you guys so soon! I hope you are doing well, Gina, you are in our prayers.