
Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Guess who else totally has my hair style?

That's right, I look like Johnny Depp. Maybe I should ask him what product he uses to maintain those lovely locks.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Awesome Boy

I mentioned Andrew's "awesome boy smile" in my last post so I thought I better find and post a picture. In the spring Texans take pictures in the bluebonnnets. We happened to have a playdate at a park with a field of bluebonnets so we snapped some pictures. I laughed because instead of being all sweet with a light spring outfit my boy's got dark clothes, pants, hat hair and is trying to look cool. Keeping it real here.

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New Looks

So I did it, I cut my hair and I'm getting in touch with my curls. Can't tell as well here because of poor camera placement but my curls end at the camera.

See, shorter. I guess I'll act my age and give into the 30-yr-old mormon woman bob

Emma's been asking for short hair for months now and I really didn't want it. But she wanted the attention of a drastic hair change. When you're a good, quiet kid all the time you don't get a lot of attention and even though she blushes and hides when you compliment her she loves to be noticed. So if a haircut's what she needs to get noticed, so be it. Way better than a tattoo or a trip to the principal's office.
And Weston's hair was about as short as it gets so he decided to change his smile instead.

Andrew looks about the same although he's been practicing his "awesome boy smile" (a one-sided, "I'm too cool" grin)
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