
Friday, December 28, 2012

Clever Ender

Andrew makes me smile with his creative energy. Here's a few samples:

Andrew was delayed in the bathroom as he discovered the empty toilet paper roll and blue towel was perfect as an elephant trunk spraying water. He insisted we find a way to attach it to his face and then went off to find a tail, which he found in a necktie.

Andrew set up a drive-in movie theater for his cars (which were of course arranged in perfectly straight lines and grouped by color).

He loves building all sorts of  crazy and tall towers with staircases that start and lead nowhere.

Andrew has really taken interest in and shown progression in his artwork. He devotes himself to very serious writing, drawing and coloring sessions. Here's some of my favorites;
He often likes drawing really long people with big heads and eyes but also draws characters like skeletons, pirates, monsters, and superheros.

He also has a particular interest in drawing naked people. Thankfully his drawings aren't very detailed although the "manbots" and belly buttons add a bit of humor. Hopefully this nude art will not continue past his very young years.
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Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas 2012

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Christmas Eve

Jamie and Emma were laying around sick all day so we had to cancel our plans with our friends but we managed to pull together the traditional Cannon nativity reenactment. Jamie did the narrating between sniffles and the kids each took on double roles.

Looks like Joseph feels like most new dads feel.

"and they were sore afraid"

Oh look, the shepherd's brought a gift too

Can you spot the star?
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Thanksgiving 2012 with Cannons

Let's see, two days after Christmas, sounds like a good day for a Thanksgiving post.

My Mom and Dad flew in to spend Thanksgiving with their Texas family, Jesse and his gang came down from Dallas, and Nate's family has been living in Cedar Park. The Liddiards (my SIL's parents) invited us to have Thanksgiving dinner with them but Jesse had sick people so they didn't even make the dinner :o(. But they came the next day and we ahd a fun weekend. We played at the park and in our favorite trees while the mommas did some Christmas shopping,

we went to the zoo, 

we took some family pics. and ate ice cream,

Nana made pj pants for all the grandkids,

we ate ar Rudy's for Jamie and Pop's birthday and went back to the house for cake and ice cream for all the November birthdays (Angie, Maisy, Jamie, and Pop and I ate for Hunter and Lindy).

So grateful for family! Thanks Mom and Dad!
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