
Friday, October 21, 2011

Life's little pleasures

It's a little sad what I've come to. Here's what excited me today:
1. Finding a Bed Bath and Beyond coupon in my cooking magazine so I could finally use my gift cards to get the kitchen appliance I need to replace. Wahoo!
2. The amazing weather here that allowed me to turn off the air, throw open all the windows and make soup. Weston peeled the potatoes and carrots, Andrew set the table, and Emma made corn muffins. Motherhood giddiness. Then I wrote it off as a perfect day when I remembered I still had honey butter in the fridge to use on the corn muffins. Doesn't get any better than this.
3. Getting the popcorn kernel out of Andrew's nose without a Dr. visit. Would probably have been easier if the kid knew how to blow his nose. He sniffs up instead, problematic. I spent the first hour trying to teach him how to blow, that would've made a fun video.
I love that he's wearing his "I Still Live With My Parents" shirt in this picture.

Highly recommend this type of aspirator. It covers the nostril instead of going up inside. Especially useful for bigger noses (non-newborn). Sure beats the cover the mouth and suck the nose with your mouth method my dad recommended, although we were almost there. Wish I could say this aspirator was all it took though.
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1 comment:

  1. oh man, i really love that picture of andrew. glad to hear the kernal was safely removed! ;)
