
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

How to eat a Watermelon

Jamie was all excited the other day because of some "amazing" video he saw and told me I needed to buy a watermelon for our FHE activity. So for FHE he showed us this video tutorial on how to eat a watermelon and followed the intructions. Apparently I've been eating watermelons wrong my whole life. I can't say that I'm converted but it made for a fun activity and I have to say the watermelon itself was the best watermelon I had all summer.
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  1. I can't believe I watched the whole video, but I did. That guy is just too funny! This looks like a fun thing to do with my grandsons. It is very entertaining to see that Jamie is still a kid at heart. :O)

    1. Yeah, this was the most exciting thing from Jamie's summer after all the money and traveling. Note to self: next year just buy him a watermelon, marshmallows and a jar of pb and pocket all the rest of the money next summer.
