
Monday, June 27, 2011

Summer Fun

Oh what do we do in the summertime?
When we moved here Emma had to be home a couple days before starting at her new school. She was getting tired of brothers and the loss of school routine and anxious to jump back in. I started worrying about how summer would be and feeling motivated to raise my game. I'm usually content just being home covering the basic cleaning, shopping and cooking duties but I knew we needed more fun and learning time to keep the fights to a minimum.
So I mentioned a couple posts ago that I had some scrap wood. In the collection I have this long laminate board. Such a useful piece of wood it has proven to be. Makes a great slide and car ramp and marble ramp
This was my saving grace to get the kids out of the way to make dinner one night. Entertained them for an hour.

Also great as a hard backing for extra big coloring pages. Thanks for the fun pages Jeff and Steph, another dinner prep saver.

Emma is a serious artist

Sometimes you just gotta get down in your work.

We also propped the board between two chairs for a great craft table for Emma's preschool. Emma has been filling in her need for school structure and schedule by teaching Andrew preschool. She brings him up to the playroom and has him sing songs and recite the pledge and do crafts. And the amazing part is, he totally obeys her. What a great match they are, she loves to be in charge and he loves to follow. I will miss that girl when she goes back to school and I've giggled as I listened to her teacher mannerisms. Oh my lil mini-me.

More preschool projects

Many complex tracks have been built over the weeks

Lots of reading. Signed up for the summer reading program over at the library and taking advantage of their shows and prizes.

And sometimes we just unhook the brain and veg out in front of a movie. We also like going to the library and $1 movies. One of my favorite things is checking out audio books to listen to in the car together and then going to the movie when we finish the book.

The boys took a swim class together. A little early and cold for Weston's liking. He looks like he's swallowed an entire person except the foot
Andrew spent the first week of class on this step.

But I think they had fun. Emma's taking her turn now and is upset that her mean teacher makes her put her face in the water.

Second week Andrew is happily in the water

I also love taking the kids to play in the splash pads so they can have fun and get wet without me stressing about drowning children
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Sunday, June 26, 2011

Bats and Pizza...

...not to be confused with bats on pizza, that would be awful.
Nate and Angie (my bro and SIL) were feeling saintly so they volunteered to babysit the kids so we could go out. We decided to go check out the largest urban bat colony as they take their night flight from Congress bridge downtown.
Yikes, look at that neck, I'm a giraffe. That's where I get most my height. And I think Jamie used to have a neck.


Me, the bat bridge and downtown Austin. Like how I'm sporting UT orange? This place is starting to tap my subconscious. See all those people gathering on the bridge? Mass suicide...

And they're off (the bats, sicko!)

Then we crossed the bridge to go eat at a pizza joint. Only turns out the pizza joint wasn't on that side of the bridge. Our first clue was when the street ended. No matter, we got in some good walking and got to see some of downtown. And it was a good thing we got that exercise because that was some serious pizza, seriously good and heavy. Home Slice, very much a college town joint and we were looking old and boring and overly modest, but good New York style pizza.

I like it when Jamie stands next to really big things. It makes him look a bit smaller. He could use that.
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p.s. this post was co-written by Jamie and Gina (in other words, Gina wrote the post then boogerboy stole the laptop and made me look mean). But maybe you can make a game of it and see how well you know us by guessing who wrote what parts.

Witte Museum

Our closest temple is in San Antonio, almost two hours away. So without grandparents in town and unwilling to pay for an eight hour babysitter we opted to take the kids for a day trip and tag-team sessions. I found a Groupon for the Witte musuem so Jamie and I took turns doing sessions at the temple and playing with the kids.

The museum had a special amazon exhibit we had passes to. They brought in this live boa for the kids to touch. I don't like snakes but my kids were all over that thing.

The sloth was cool though.

Emma riding the skybike at the science treehouse

Being so high up made her a little nervous.
It was a pretty cool museum and the area is really pretty. I like San Antonio!

And now for something completely different-
These are a couple cards Emma made for Father's Day. I love her cards, they make me smile. I also love the Dads, they make me smile!

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Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without

A couple weeks ago my mom was asking how we were settling into the new house. Then she asked what projects I'd been working on...uh, I unpacked the boxes. So mom, I did some projects. Be proud of me :o)
I had some scrap wood I acquired (never you mind how, all you need to know is that it was legal) so I built a much desired shelf for our shoes to fulfill Jamie's dream of a shoeless house. I was pretty pleased with myself even if one of the boards turned out to be shorter than the others and I had to improvise a shortcut. Weston was so happy to have his own shelf row that he has been extremely diligent about putting his shoes up. Don't worry I'm not so silly to believe I will make my own bookshelves for my empty living room. I'm perfectly aware my skills won't hold up past the weight of shoes.

Hung some hooks up in the same closet for hats and jackets and scripture bags. And it should please you mother to see those 72 hour kits back there. Just don't ask me how my food storage is coming yet.

Hung a bow organizer in my bathroom for Emma and stashed supplies in a basket in lieu of the medicine cabinet. See my cool metal jewelry man Rich made me?

"Remember" this table mom?
I found this beauty on the curb and Jamie groaned when I threw it on the moving van. But...

...a little dusting, plywood and paint and it's as good as new. I used the extra paint to paint our old end table my mom handed down many years ago. And those blankets and pillows are strategically placed to cover holes in the couch cover which is placed to cover our old hand-me-down couch. And I've gotten good use out of the sewing machine you gave me mom as I mend and modestfy clothes and bedding. Thanks for passing on that resourceful gene it may make my poor husband groan but it has saved us many a dollar over the years.
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The Texas cousins visit

One of the perks to moving here was being just three hours from some of our favorite people. Andrew has been trying to join my brothers family for years with no luck but at least we get to see them more now. So the first three day weekend we jumped at the chance to have fun with cousins. My sister-in-law, Angie and her family invited us all to the lake to play with them on there speed boat. None of the seven kids had been out on a speed boat before and we all had a blast bouncing around on the tubes at top speed behind the racing boat. Thanks Liddiards! Nate took some great tube action shots I'll have to steal. But here's what I got from the safety of the land.

Nate and Angie out on the kayaks

Jesse and the girls paddling the canoe out to the island. My brother and nephew built this canoe. I made them take it out a few times before bringing it down for my kids. Floats great, even with wiggly toddlers.

Andrew enjoying his cousins. He is seriously in love with these guys and would give me up in a heartbeat for the chance to live with them. When they left Andrew told Jesse he was coming too.

Almost as fun as playing at the lake is looking at all of Nate's pictures of us playing at the lake.

Enjoying Angie's lap while it's still available.

Playing on our favorite tree

Cannon monkeys family pic

Playing at our favorite park

Thanks for the good times!
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