
Sunday, June 26, 2011

The Texas cousins visit

One of the perks to moving here was being just three hours from some of our favorite people. Andrew has been trying to join my brothers family for years with no luck but at least we get to see them more now. So the first three day weekend we jumped at the chance to have fun with cousins. My sister-in-law, Angie and her family invited us all to the lake to play with them on there speed boat. None of the seven kids had been out on a speed boat before and we all had a blast bouncing around on the tubes at top speed behind the racing boat. Thanks Liddiards! Nate took some great tube action shots I'll have to steal. But here's what I got from the safety of the land.

Nate and Angie out on the kayaks

Jesse and the girls paddling the canoe out to the island. My brother and nephew built this canoe. I made them take it out a few times before bringing it down for my kids. Floats great, even with wiggly toddlers.

Andrew enjoying his cousins. He is seriously in love with these guys and would give me up in a heartbeat for the chance to live with them. When they left Andrew told Jesse he was coming too.

Almost as fun as playing at the lake is looking at all of Nate's pictures of us playing at the lake.

Enjoying Angie's lap while it's still available.

Playing on our favorite tree

Cannon monkeys family pic

Playing at our favorite park

Thanks for the good times!
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