
Sunday, June 26, 2011

Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without

A couple weeks ago my mom was asking how we were settling into the new house. Then she asked what projects I'd been working on...uh, I unpacked the boxes. So mom, I did some projects. Be proud of me :o)
I had some scrap wood I acquired (never you mind how, all you need to know is that it was legal) so I built a much desired shelf for our shoes to fulfill Jamie's dream of a shoeless house. I was pretty pleased with myself even if one of the boards turned out to be shorter than the others and I had to improvise a shortcut. Weston was so happy to have his own shelf row that he has been extremely diligent about putting his shoes up. Don't worry I'm not so silly to believe I will make my own bookshelves for my empty living room. I'm perfectly aware my skills won't hold up past the weight of shoes.

Hung some hooks up in the same closet for hats and jackets and scripture bags. And it should please you mother to see those 72 hour kits back there. Just don't ask me how my food storage is coming yet.

Hung a bow organizer in my bathroom for Emma and stashed supplies in a basket in lieu of the medicine cabinet. See my cool metal jewelry man Rich made me?

"Remember" this table mom?
I found this beauty on the curb and Jamie groaned when I threw it on the moving van. But...

...a little dusting, plywood and paint and it's as good as new. I used the extra paint to paint our old end table my mom handed down many years ago. And those blankets and pillows are strategically placed to cover holes in the couch cover which is placed to cover our old hand-me-down couch. And I've gotten good use out of the sewing machine you gave me mom as I mend and modestfy clothes and bedding. Thanks for passing on that resourceful gene it may make my poor husband groan but it has saved us many a dollar over the years.
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